Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bill Bartmann Ammassed a Huge Fortune; Bill Bartmann Lost a Billion Dollars; Bill Bartmann Bounced Back!

I’m no loser Baby, It’s time for somebody to pay me! Motivational Circuit Welcomes Bill Bartmann who shows you how to “milk your losses” and earn money by learning from your failures.

These days you can find Bill Bartmann speaking at day long motivational seminars such as Reno-Sparks Convention Center in Nevada. He has much to share. Bill Bartmann has been well-known in the financial world, and business schools have studied his then-pioneering approaches to raising money. Bill Bartmann's physical presence can be intimidating: He has a compact body, a rough voice, and an almost feral energy. His hands are those of someone who spent his adolescent years brawling. Bill Bartmann wears a tight-fitting shirt and dark suit.

This is Bill Bartmann’s preamble "The secret of success is elegantly simple, like the law of gravity. This is how the world works: You need to be willing to take risks. You don't because you are afraid of failure; you are worried about what people will think. And that's because of low self-esteem. To succeed, you have to raise your self-esteem. He believes that its advice can change lives. Bill explains that this was a major factor of his success that he can offer for why he became a billionaire and some listening to him possibly haven't even come close.

Bill Bartmann 58, made (and lost) his fortune in the debt collection business. His rise and fall brought him to national attention. He has seen both sides of self-esteem. Bill shares, “I’ve lived it”. Bill Bartmann knows about going from poverty, and being a million dollars in debt or being ready for welfare to being one the wealthiest person in America. From being a high-school dropout to going through a significant, some say remarkable, transformation. Like being named a National Entrepreneur of the Year twice, Bill Bartman learned how to change first hand. He has seized opportunities and is among survivors of all kinds who have changed their lives. Bill Bartmann is committed to inspire and train, employees, former executives, sports coaches, entrepreneurs or anyone else wanting to change. To help them find the inspiration and motivation that leads you to action. Motivation, in all its guises is the cornerstone for taking action and making changes. Bill Bartmann thinks he has a big idea that is going to transform his life and yours. A slice of the American Fantasy and dream as it were a peculiarly American belief in reinvention. Bill Bartmann is one of those who have overcome adversity. Bill wants to be one of those who can unlock the big ideas, the supposed secrets of achievement for you. Motivation can be an animating force for everything you want to do. Redemption is big,” In his quest to be a motivational speaker, Bartmann carries around a laminated card in his pocket. On it is typed the following goal: Touch 10 million people in five years. "It's a giant, crazy, ludicrous number," he says. "Can I touch enough people. He is not like Dale Carnegie telling you How to Win Friends & Influence People, or The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, or even how to be Looking Out for #1. He is about having you see "Failure Is Not Final", but you have to understand the value of being authentic. You have to respect that." Bill feels the one thing everyone needs is self-confidence." Everyone has setbacks but you can prosper in any circumstances, but you have to admit you've failed and stop covering up. You don’t have to be like the guy who chopped off his arm to save his life (Aaron Ralston), but honestly, start thinking “Yes you can” and get out of the Hype you tell yourself. Get yourself motivated to taking action in what you learned from the failure. Life is a traveling carnival, and you have to ask yourself, Why am I an authority? Because it is my life. You don’t know where you’re next Big Idea can come from, what career path will lead to success and fortune. What still unproven action will capture your imagination and lead to that long coveted success

In business, it is the adversity of your own making, learning from failure that has you make personal changes you need to. By anyone's estimation, Bill Bartmann's life has been one of head-swelling highs and depressing lows. Bartmann made his first fortune running a company that manufactured oil pipes. In 1985 the collapse of crude prices left him without any customers and a million dollars in debt. He had started Commercial Financial Services Inc., a year later. Bartmann and his wife, Kathy, who together owned 80% of CFS, made Forbes' list of the 400 wealthiest Americans. In 1997 Forbes magazine estimated the couple to be worth about $1.1 billion. The Tulsa community soon became familiar with his unique swagger. Bill Bartmann traveled with a security detail, didn't join the country club as was expected, and worked in an office with a statue of Don Quixote. He did not fit on conventional lists. In fact his wife Kathy once said, "I don't care if I'm on any lists, if anyone knows me,’’ but Bill and Kathy were getting rich.

A few skeptics wondered at the company's rapid growth; but, in 1994 by many accounts, its revenues had doubled every year! CFS had become the world's largest holder of bad consumer debt; unlike its competitors it owned the debt outright and was trying to collect on some $14.5 billion. He was among the biggest employers in the Tulsa business community. In the summer of 1998, CFS was reckoned to be worth $3 billion.
The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. proposed taking the company public.

Four months later, credit agencies received an anonymous one-page letter accusing CFS of shady dealings. Bartmann was indicted on 57 federal counts of fraud, conspiracy, and money laundering related to an alleged scheme to make the company's collection rate appear higher than it was. After an 89-day trial in 2003, Bill Bartmann was proven 100% innocent and acquitted of all Charges. His partner, Jay L. Jones, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and served 3 1/2 years of a five-year prison term). Jones, a 20% business partner, had formed Dimat without Bill Bartmann's knowledge to purchase and resell bad loans on the side. Jones had convinced Bill to buy his stock at a much reduced rate. But there's one thing all parties seem able to agree on: Bartmann came away from the mess nearly broke. Mike Zarrilli, his former contact at Chase said, “Whatever Bill was doing, it doesn't appear he was doing it to put short-term cash in his pocket." It doesn’t appear that any lack of integrity was shown by Bill Bartmann’s. He suffered along with all the other employees. Bill was facing bankruptcy, Bartmann, 58, had made (and lost) his fortune in the debt collection business. It took Bartmann until 2006 to contend with various civil suits. He and Kathy had to give up 19 acres of their 20-acre estate.
He had to come up with his own affirmation of sorts, and motivate himself to come up with his next Big Idea, his own answer and take action! The wild arcs of his life offered valuable lessons! He looked at his early life and noticed his credibility, as someone who can prosper in any circumstances. In general, he says "I think I am the message, the answer. The one thing everyone needs: self-confidence." A 2001 New Yorker profile described him as having "an uncanny gift for making those who work for him feel that they share in his powers." Bill Bartmann became interested in motivating others. Bill would become a successful motivational speaker. He would inspire others to admit their failures, learn from them, and use them. Bartmann would do what others had done. Bill Bartmann would join the tradition of teaching success with such honored inspirational notable players as; Benjamin Franklin, Robert J. Ringer, Dale Carnegie, Tony Robbins, Stephen R. Covey, and Zig Ziglar Jonathan Black, Donald Trump, George Foreman.
Motivation, in all its guises, could make a difference for people. Bill could offer seminars, workshops, executive coaching, personal coaching consulting, and year long mentor programs that would help people move beyond their failures. One of the disclaimers he has been know to start his seminar with is:
"I'm awkward about this. I haven't set you up for the kill," he says. "I don't want to be a snake-oil salesman. I'm in the motivational, self-help industry. It's an industry that ranks right there with car salesmen. I don't know if I'm any better, any different, but I do know a few things....
Bill Bartmann wants to join you on the road to success. He’s been known to say, if I touch enough people, I'll be a financial success." Bill has been a self made billionaire and is about creating financial success for himself and others. Bill Bartmann has been reported saying, “I've moved from success to significance." If I touch enough people, I'll be a financial success."

Bartmann has also made a decision that all profits from his mentoring program, for which he now charges $797 a month, and his appearances at Get Motivated! Tours (where he is one of dozens alongside George Foreman and Zig Ziglar) and Learning Annex Real Estate and Wealth Expos (where he is one of dozens alongside Donald Trump and Tony Robbins) will go into a foundation called Bill's Brigade. The foundation's aim is to gather 70,000 high school kids in the Texas Stadium in Dallas for a self-esteem revival meeting.

In March, Bartmann found himself in Hollywood, where the idea of him hosting a "Dr. Failure" talk show somehow, wondrously, came up. Bartmann was ready to tell his whole story. "I talk about CFS first.... There is no more compelling story. Kathy said I should quit acting like I'm ashamed. It makes everyone else's problems seem smaller. It gives them permission to tell me about their problems." He came up with a new goal, a new pitch: "To do for failure what Betty Ford did for alcoholism and Susan Komen did for breast cancer."

This article was written by Marcus Maupin, who describes Bill Bartmann as the ultimate underdog/survivor/achiever, overcoming personal circumstances and tragedy to rise to the top enterprise in America. If you want to know how to overcome and come out on top—He’s your man. Bill has left a legacy of stellar accomplishments and overcoming the failures life brings you. Bill’s testimonials and accomplishments reads like a “Who’s Who” list, ranging from Mother Terressa and Bill Crosby to Zig Zieglar.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bill Bartmann Explains Myths of Being in Business for Yourself

There are many elements involved in starting and growing a successful business. There is a process that entrepreneurs must go through in order to meet their goals in business. When considering going into business for your self, understand the facts and the myths.

Bill Bartmann asks; Who's the Boss?

You get to be your own Boss – In a way, you do, but in a way, you don’t. If you are thinking of going into business for yourself just to replace your “jerk” of a boss, think again.

Consider your employees, your customers, your lenders and bankers and your vendors and suppliers. All these people will, in a sense, become your boss. All of them will tell you what you should do, why you should do it and what will happen if you don’t do it. Make your employees happy or they’ll be less productive or quit; make your customers happy or they will buy from someone else; make your loan payments or you will be sued; pay your vendors and suppliers or they will not extend you credit.

There are a lot of people you will have to develop and maintain a good relationship with; there will always be rules to follow.

Bill Bartmann on Freedom

You get Independence and Freedom – You are able to do whatever you want to whenever you want to. This couldn’t be more untrue! You will become very dependent on the success of your business. You may eventually gain some independence and freedom, but at first, be ready for a lot of work. With a 9 – 5 jobs, weekdays, your free time is after 5pm and on weekends. You may find yourself working very long days, including weekends, while you are establishing your business.

Going into business for itself has its advantages and disadvantages; its risks and rewards. You do get to control your own destiny when you operate your own business. Also, going into business for yourself is the only predictable way to get rich. Not everyone is born rich, marries rich, hits the lottery or inherits rich and none of these paths to riches is predictable.

There are certain elements to consider when you are thinking about giving up the job and running your own business.

Are you Right for Business?
Is Business Right for You?
Are your Persistent?
Are you Confident in Yourself?
What will you do?
What type of Business – retail, food, home-based, etc…?
Will you Buy a Business? Buy a franchise?
Will you Start a Business from Scratch?
How is the Market Demand for your Product or Service?

The research and preparation involved in going into business for your self is very time consuming. Educating yourself in business essentials is crucial to your success. Operating your own business is full-time work. You must be ready to make a commitment and to make plenty of sacrifices before you experience the reward that you want and deserve.
Bill Bartmann is a self-made billionaire who has started 7 businesses in 7 different industries. He created the Billionaire Business System, a series of books and seminars that teach you what you need to know about succeeding in any area of business.